Monday, 29 December 2014

A Look at Dog Boarding Facilities and Services They Provide

Dog Boarding Surrey

I have faced this situation and am sure you will face it someday when you will have to leave your adorable Fido at home for a vacation trip or business tour. What I did was keep my Bruno (that’s the name of my dog) at one of the dog boarding facilities in Surrey and they did take good care of Bruno.
Let me share some of the things I learned from this experience.

As it will be first time that you will use the services of dog boarding in Surrey, what you will have to do is take along few of your dog’s things like the toys and sweaters so that the dog feels at home in this new surroundings.

What facilities can I expect?

Now this is the most important part wherein you will have to make sure that your Fido gets to avail the best of facilities. Some of the facilities you can expect at well reputed dog boarding places like the Star Boarding Kennels, where I kept Bruno would include:

a.       Spacious dog pens and sleeping sections.
b.      Outdoor area with secured padlocks.
c.       24-hour veterinary service.
d.      Taking dog out for walks on daily basis.

Some Common Questions

When I visited the facility for dog boarding in Surrey for the first time, I had several questions in mind and it is more than likely that it will be same for you as well. So, let’s look at them here.

  1. Question: Do they accept all breeds?
Answer: Mostly yes, but if dog falls in the category of dangerous dogs as per the Dangerous Dogs Act, they won’t.
  1. Question: Is it allowed to visit the place for dog boarding in Surrey before booking?
Answer: Yes that’s allowed at most places.

 I hope my experience will be of use and you will travel knowing that your Fido is safe and enjoying his time.

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